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Pain-free cloud-native apps.

A user-friendly, self-hostable platform that lets you deploy, secure and operate pre-configured apps and services in a snap.

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For Enterprises & Homelabs

Your Flexible Cloud-Native Application Platform

Harness the benefits of cloud-native apps without the usual complexities. Whether at home, at a startup or in an enterprise company, Emporium has you covered.

Effortless One-Click Apps

Emporium offers users a diverse, extensible range of high-quality apps across various categories. Users get what they want when they need it — all within one click. Thanks to the extensible nature of its ecosystem, it allows companies to build an internal community around tools and their operations. And it enables creators of open source products to publish a reference configuration that can be installed on every cluster running Emporium.

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Seamless Identity Management & Security

Emporium streamlines security with two key features: An identity management system for unified user management, and an additional security layer in front of every app, ensuring protection even for those without native authentication. Complemented by automatically configured OpenID Connect integration, this approach keeps identity and security management simple and robust, even if you have dozens of apps installed.

Find out how it works

Stress-Free Lifecycle Management

We understand the critical importance of timely patches and updates for your apps, and we know how monitoring dozens of changelogs can be frustrating. That’s why Emporium actively monitors for updates, ensuring you're always up-to-date and safeguarded against known vulnerabilities. Unlike similar solutions that neglect updates, Emporium offers both one-click installation and one-click updating, streamlining your app maintenance.

Automagically update your apps

Effortless One-Click Apps

Curated Catalog of High-Quality Apps

Unlock a diverse, extensible world of high-quality apps across various categories with Emporium’s curated catalog.

Bring Your Own Apps
Missing an app? Effortlessly integrate your preferred tools into Emporium. Our platform is designed for seamless integration, ensuring you have all the right apps at your fingertips.

Our quick-start guide

Standardized Compliance Framework
Emporium's repositories enable sharing of pre-configured software, empowering communities and enterprises alike. Companies can create custom repositories, aligning their software stack with industry best practices and compliance standards.

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Pre-Configured for Your Convenience.
Create your homelab effortlessly with pre-configured apps like GitLab, Nextcloud, and Ghost. Skip the complex setup – each app comes with sensible defaults, letting you concentrate on utilizing the technology, not managing it.

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Emporium catalog screenshot

Seamless Identity Management & Security

Secure Apps out of the Box

Sleep well at night thanks to Emporium’s robust automated security and unified user management.


Simplify user access without compromising on security. Emporium's automated Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, powered by OpenID Connect (OIDC), streamlines your login process. Already have an identity provider? Simply configure identity delegation.

Shielded by Glass

Emporium ensures robust protection for every deployed app with Glass, our high-performance, transparent security proxy. Designed to be secure by default, Glass enforces authentication and authorization while offering configurability for tools requiring anonymous access.

Unified User Management

Manage all your app users in one centralized location with Emporium. Our integrated identity provider simplifies user management while enabling identity delegation and social logins. Enhance user experience with secure and convenient access across all your applications.

Relax, We’ve Got Updates Covered

Stress-Free Lifecycle Management

Tired of chasing endless changelogs? Say goodbye to update-overwhelm and hello to simplicity.

Emporium settings screenshot
Automatic Updates Notification.
Emporium automatically notifies you of new app versions, making updates as easy as on your phone. Stay informed and ready to deploy the latest features and security enhancements with just a click.
One-Click Update Installation.
Upgrade your application suite effortlessly with Emporium's one-click update feature. Enjoy peak performance and security across your apps, all with minimal effort.
Self-Updating Platform
Emporium self-updates through its UI, offering a low-maintenance experience. Focus on your business, not on updates, with a platform that's as dynamic as your enterprise.
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Built by the extraordinary team at Monostream

At Monostream, we're cloud-native pioneers constantly pushing the boundaries of technology. Discover our passion and innovation.