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Empporium CLI

The Emporium CLI provides a suite of tools to enhance interaction a emporium instance and application lifecycle of emporium Apps:

Emporium Setup

  • Emporium installation: Install Emporium on your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Cluster Status: View the status of your Empporium cluster.
  • Local Tools: Install necessary Kubernetes tools locally (kubectl, helm, git, etc.).

Emporium App Lifecycle Management

  • Check and Update Dependencies: Easily check and update dependencies. Can be integrated with build pipelines for automatic application updates.
  • Scaffold Apps: Assists in getting started with your custom emporium applications.

Cluster Operations & Development

  • Catapult: Proxy services within the cluster.
  • Debug-Node: Launch a pod on a specified node with full access to host namespaces and filesystem.
  • Tunnel: Establish a network tunnel within the cluster (default:


On Linux and macOS it can be installed with the following command.


Linux, macOS & WSL

Install the CLI with the following command:

curl | sh

Installation with homebrew and chocolatery is planned, but not available yet.


For most cases, using WSL2 is recommended.

To use with cmd, PowerShell, or the new Terminal, download the Windows native version:

Windows AMD64 Download

After downloading, add the installation directory to your PATH Environment variable for seamless integration.

All Versions