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Email Integration (SMTP)

The Emporium SMTP integration allows apps to request SMTP / Email credentials that have to be configured by the user at install time.

Available Variables

The following variables are available to use within the values.emporium.yaml file.

.Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.HostSMTP hostname, configured by the user in the Emporium UI.
.Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.PortSMTP port, configured by the user in the Emporium UI.
.Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.UsernameSMTP username, configured by the user in the Emporium UI.
.Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.PasswordSMTP password, configured by the user in the Emporium UI.
.Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.FromSMTP from email address, configured by the user in the Emporium UI.
.Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.ReplyToSMTP reply to email address, configured by the user in the Emporium UI.

Configuring SMTP

Users can configure SMTP configs within the settings of the Emporium UI. Credentials configured there can then be selected for apps that request an SMTP configuration.


The following example shows how the SMTP integration can be used in values.emporium.yaml.

# ...
  enabled: true
  host: {{ .Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.Host }}
  username: {{ .Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.Username | quote }}
  password: {{ .Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.Password | quote }}
  port: {{ .Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.Port | quote }}
  from: {{ .Emporium.Integrations.SMTP.From | quote }}

This will result in the following input in the UI.

Emporium smtp integration